A few pictures + Labor Day rain.

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// Well the good news is that I've been doing a grand job of not letting my phone distract me lately. But the bad news is that my phone is my camera, so in that I have been keeping it at bay I have inadvertently been failing at taking pictures. I'll work on finding that balance...

This week I have made three batches of homemade pico de gallo so far. The first one was incredibly spicey, the second was perfect for me but not spicey enough for him, and the third was extra limey. It's an adventure to see how each batch will turn out! And needless to say-we are sure getting our required servings of vegetables in these days. WE meaning the hubs and I, because our son won't eat vegetables to save his life. I hear this is normal for a two year old.

Another thing that's worth noting: I went on a little shopping trip to city creek with my mom and sister, and it was record breaking simply because I went ONLY for a few new pairs of jeans and left ONLY with a few new pairs of jeans. When has that ever happened?! I tried on half of the store's sweaters and still left only with what I needed. My self discipline these days is baffling you guys.

Anyway. How was your labor day? Deterred by the rain? We sat on our front porch most of the morning, watching the rain pour from the sky by the gallons. We munched on fruit snacks and sipped on tea while the smell of fresh rain water mixed with dirt was so thick that I felt like we were drinking it instead of just breathing it. It may have changed our plans a little, but it was a glorious change, if you ask me. And the sun peeked through just in time to dry up the yard so we could have some good friends over for a labor day bbq. I wonder if it won't be the last bbq of the year, which if it is we sure gave it a perfect good-bye. Steaks and fresh veggies and ice cream for dessert, watching the kids play on the swingset and enjoying a cool summer breeze, all in good company. It was delightful.

I hope you all had a fabulous, long weekend!

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